Rice with Guajillo Chilis


Guajillo is a large, dark-red dried chili that is widely used in Mexican cooking for sauces and chilis. It is mild to medium hot, and adds a rich, tangy, almost fruity flavor. Discard the stems and seeds and cut up the skin into little pieces.

This is a very simple recipe that features the taste of the dried pieces of guajillo chili cooked in the oil before the other ingredients. It’s a very good dish to make to try out that taste to see if you want to make it part of your spice repertoire.

Heat the olive oil on medium to low flame and add the chili pieces. Allow to cook for 3 to 4 minutes while the oil picks up the color of the chili. Add onions and celery and saute. When the vegetables are done to your taste, add the rice, stir and heat. Garnish with scallions and serve.